The FCC used comparative hearings to allocate spectrum licenses prior to 1982 and used lotteries starting in 1982. The Commission was given auction authority in 1993 and held its first auction in 1994. Comparative hearings allowed regulators to decide which applicant would put the spectrum to its best use. Unfortunately, as described by Milgrom in his 2004 book, Putting Auction Theory to Work(p.3), “The process was hardly objective: it involved lawyers and lobbyists arguing that their plans and clients were most deserving of a valuable but free government license.” Lotteries sped up the process, but introduced their own problems. Milgrom (2004, p.3) states: “Lottery winners were free to resell their licenses, encouraging thousands of new applicants to apply for licenses and randomly rewarding many with prizes worth many millions of dollars. Lottery winners were often simple speculators …. Economic resources were wasted on a grand scale, both in processing hundreds of thousands of applications and in the consequent need for real wireless operators to negotiate and buy licenses from these speculators. The lotteries of small licenses contributed to the geographic fragmentation of the cellular industry, delaying the introduction of nationwide mobile telephone services in the United States.” Auctions were identified as the mechanism best able to assign the licenses to the highest valuing users and to return a part of the value to the taxpayer. The basic simultaneous multiple round auction format that was adopted in 1994 remains the mainstay of FCC auctions today, although it has evolved over time.
Auction Data
FCC auctions are administered by the Auctions Division of the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and all data is publicly available at, but has been organized here to provide consistency across auctions and improve accessibility. All Excel files are in Excel 2007 (xlsx) format and all Access files are in Access 2007 (accdb) format. Click here to download the compatibility pack to allow Office 2003 users to view and use Excel 2007 files.
Related Information
FCC Auction Designs
Simultaneous Multiple-Round (SMR) Auctions
In a simultaneous multiple-round (SMR) auction, all licenses are available for bidding throughout the entire auction, thus the term “simultaneous.” Unlike most auctions in which bidding is continuous, SMR auctions have discrete, successive rounds, with the length of each round announced in advance. After each round closes, round results are processed and made public. Only then do bidders learn about the bids placed by other bidders. The period between auction rounds also allows bidders to take stock of, and perhaps adjust, their bidding strategies. In an SMR auction, there is no preset number of rounds. Bidding continues, round after round, until a round occurs in which all bidder activity ceases. That round becomes the closing round of the auction.
Package Bidding
The Commission’s SMR auction design can be modified to allow combinatorial or “package” bidding. With package bidding, bidders may place bids on groups of licenses as well as on individual licenses. This approach allows bidders to better express the value of any synergies (benefits from combining complementary items) that may exist among licenses and to avoid the risk of winning only part of a desired set.
Annotated Bibliography of FCC Auction Related Economics Papers (pdf)
Auction Data Key (pdf)
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Nationwide Narrowband (PCS)| 7/25/1994 – 7/29/1994 | 6 bidders won 10 licenses| Gross bids: $650,306,674|
Interactive Video and Data Services (IVDS) | 7/28/1994 – 7/29/1994 | 178 bidders won 594 licenses | Gross bids: $248,743,000 |
Regional Narrowband (PCS) | 10/26/1994 – 11/8/1994 | 9 bidders won 30 licenses| Gross bids: $488,772,800|
Broadband PCS A and B Block | 12/5/1994 – 3/13/1995 | 18 bidders won 99 licenses| Gross bids: $7,019,403,797|
Broadband PCS C Block | 12/18/1995 – 5/6/1996 | 89 bidders won 493 licenses| Gross bids: $13,428,945,122|
Multipoint/Multichannel Distribution Services | 11/13/1995 – 3/28/1996 | 67 bidders won 493 licenses| Gross bids: $239,729,992|
900 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service | 12/5/1995 – 4/15/1996 | 80 bidders won 1020 licenses| Gross bids: $212,215,788|
Direct Broadcast Satellite 110 Degrees (DBS) | 1/24/1996 – 1/25/1996 | 1 bidder won 1 license| Gross bids: $682,500,000|
Direct Broadcast Satellite 148 Degrees (DBS) | 1/25/1996 – 1/26/1996 | 1 bidder won 1 license| Gross bids: $52,295,000|
Broadband PCS C Block Reauction | 7/3/1996 – 7/16/1996 | 7 bidders won 18 licenses| Gross bids: $697,213,950|
Broadband PCS D, E, & F Block | 8/26/1996 – 1/14/1997 | 125 bidders won 1472 licenses| Gross bids: $2,715,885,604|
Cellular Unserved | 1/13/1997 – 1/21/1997 | 10 bidders won 14 licenses| Gross bids: $1,842,533|
Wireless Communications Service (WCS) | 4/15/1997 – 4/25/1997 | 17 bidders won 126 licenses| Gross bids: $14,892,613|
Digital Audio Radio Service | 4/1/1997 – 4/2/1997 | 2 bidders won 2 licenses| Gross bids: $173,234,888|
800 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service (SMR) | 10/28/1997 – 12/8/1997 | 14 bidders won 5243 licenses| Gross bids: $98,609,975|
Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS) | 2/18/1998 – 3/25/1998 | 104 bidders won 864 licenses| Gross bids: $834,177,095|
220 MHz | 9/15/1998 – 10/22/1998 | 44 bidders won 693 licenses| Gross bids: $26,119,598|
Location and Monitoring Services (LMS) | 2/23/1999 – 3/5/1999 | 4 bidders won 289 licenses| Gross bids: $5,289,677|
C, D, E, and F Block Broadband PCS | 3/23/1999 – 4/15/1999 | 57 bidders won 302 licenses| Gross bids: $532,970,215|
Local Multipoint Distribution Services (LMDS) Re-Auction | 4/27/1999 – 5/12/1999 | 40 bidders won 161 licenses| Gross bids: $65,244,000|
220 MHz | 6/8/1999 – 6/30/1999 | 16 bidders won 222 licenses| Gross bids: $2,537,100|
Closed Broadcast | 9/28/1999 – 10/8/1999 | 91 bidders won 115 licenses| Gross bids: $68,781,900|
929 and 931 MHz Paging Service | 2/24/2000 – 3/2/2000 | 78 bidders won 985 licenses| Gross bids: $4,927,200|
Broadcast Auction | 10/6/1999 – 10/8/1999 | 1 bidder won 1 license| Gross bids: $265,000|
Broadcast Auction | 3/21/2000 – 3/24/2000 | 2 bidders won 2 licenses| Gross bids: $1,210,000|
39 GHz | 4/12/2000 – 5/8/2000 | 29 bidders won 2173 licenses| Gross bids: $467,214,200|
New AM Broadcast Stations | 12/10/2002 – 12/12/2002 | 3 bidders won 3 licenses| Gross bids: $1,533,500|
Upper 700 MHz Guard Bands| 9/6/2000 – 9/21/2000 | 9 bidders won 96 licenses| Gross bids: $545,885,000|
800 MHz SMR General Category Service | 8/16/2000 – 9/1/2000 | 14 bidders won 1030 licenses| Gross bids: $337,494,900|
C and F Block Broadbnd PCS | 12/12/2000 – 1/26/2001 | 35 bidders won 422 licenses| Gross bids: $17,597,015,000|
800 MHz SMR Lower 80 Channels Service | 11/1/2000 – 12/5/2000 | 22 bidders won 2800 licenses| Gross bids: $29,499,300|
FM Broadcast | 11/3/2004 – 11/23/2004 | 110 bidders won 258 licenses| Gross bids: $178,001,500|
Upper 700 MHz Guard Bands | 2/13/2001 – 2/21/2001 | 3 bidders won 8 licenses| Gross bids: $24,052,000|
VHF Public Coast and Location and Monitoring Services | 6/6/2001 – 6/13/2001 | 7 bidders won 217 licenses| Gross bids: $1,707,100|
Paging| 10/30/2001 – 12/5/2001 | 182 bidders won 5323 licenses| Gross bids: $17,789,450|
Narrowband PCS| 10/3/2001 – 10/16/2001 | 5 bidders won 317 licenses| Gross bids: $11,013,915|
Multiple Address Systems Spectrum | 11/14/2001 – 11/27/2001 | 13 bidders won 878 licenses| Gross bids: $1,503,700|
Multi-Radio Service | 1/10/2002 – 1/17/2002 | 3 bidders won 27 licenses| Gross bids: $1,593,200|
Lower 700 MHz Band | 8/27/2002 – 9/18/2002 | 102 bidders won 484 licenses| Gross bids: $116,118,800|
Cellular RSA | 5/29/2002 – 6/4/2002 | 3 bidders won 3 licenses| Gross bids: $15,871,000|
1670-1675 MHz Band Nationwide License | 4/30/2003 – 4/30/2003 | 1 bidder won 1 license| Gross bids: $12,628,000|
Lower and Upper Paging Bands | 5/13/2003 – 5/28/2003 | 96 bidders won 2832 licenses| Gross bids: $3,200,110|
Lower 700 MHz Band | 5/28/2003 – 6/13/2003 | 35 bidders won 251 licenses| Gross bids: $62,983,100|
Narrowband PCS | 9/24/2003 – 9/29/2003 | 4 bidders won 48 licenses| Gross bids: $571,610|
Regional Narrowband PCS | 9/24/2003 – 9/25/2003 | 1 bidder won 5 licenses| Gross bids: $179,000|
Direct Broadcast Satellite Service | 7/14/2004 – 7/14/2004 | 2 bidders won 3 licenses| Gross bids: $12,200,000|
Multichannel Video Distribution & Data Service (MVDDS) | 1/14/2004 – 1/27/2004 | 10 bidders won 192 licenses| Gross bids: $136,936,200|
Closed Broadcast | 7/23/2003 – 7/29/2003 | 2 bidders won 4 licenses| Gross bids: $7,039,000|
900 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service | 2/11/2004 – 2/25/2004 | 5 bidders won 55 licenses| Gross bids: $4,866,000|
24 GHz Service | 7/28/2004 – 7/28/2004 | 3 bidders won 7 licenses| Gross bids: $306,000|
Automated Maritime Telecommunications System | 9/15/2004 – 9/15/2004 | 4 bidders won 10 licenses| Gross bids: $1,527,100|
Broadband PCS | 1/26/2005 – 2/15/2005 | 24 bidders won 217 licenses| Gross bids: $2,253,802,000|
Multiple Address Systems Spectrum | 4/26/2005 – 5/18/2005 | 26 bidders won 2220 licenses| Gross bids: $5,275,000|
Lower 700 MHz Band | 7/20/2005 – 7/26/2005 | 3 bidders won 5 licenses| Gross bids: $460,700|
Automated Maritime Telecommunications System | 8/3/2005 – 8/17/2005| 4 bidders won 10 licenses| Gross bids: $10,881,000|
FM Broadcast | 1/12/2006 – 1/31/2006 | 96 bidders won 163 licenses| Gross bids: $70,122,000|
Multichannel Video Distribution & Data Service (MVDDS) | 12/7/2005 – 12/7/2005| 3 bidders won 22 licenses| Gross bids: $204,000|
Full Power Television Station Construction Permits | 3/15/2006 – 3/20/2006 | 8 bidders won 10 licenses| Gross bids: $26,717,000|
800 MHz Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service| 5/10/2006 – 6/2/2006 | 2 bidders won 2 licenses| Gross bids: $38,339,000|
Advanced Wireless Services (AWS-1) | 8/9/2006 – 9/18/2006 | 104 bidders won 1087 licenses| Gross bids: $13,879,110,200|
FM Broadcast | 1/10/2007 – 1/17/2007 | 9 bidders won 9 licenses| Gross bids: $3,663,000|
1.4 GHz Bands| 2/7/2007 – 3/8/2007| 2 bidders won 64 licenses| Gross bids: $123,599,000|
FM Broadcast | 3/7/2007 – 3/26/2007 | 60 bidders won 111 licenses| Gross bids: $24,488,400|
Broadband PCS | 5/16/2007 – 5/21/2007 | 12 bidders won 33 licenses| Gross bids: $14,562,000|
220 MHz | 6/20/2007 – 6/26/2007 | 5 bidders won 76 licenses| Gross bids: $275,370|
700 MHz | 1/24/2008 – 3/18/2008| 101 bidders won 1090 licenses| Gross bids: $19,120,378,000|
Blanco Texas Broadcast | 7/12/2000 – 7/14/2000 | 1 bidder won 1 license| Gross bids: $18,798,000|
Low Power Television (LPTV) | 9/14/2005 – 9/26/2005 | 39 bidders won 90 licenses| Gross bids: $997,100|
New Analog Television Stations | 2/5/2002 – 2/13/2002 | 3 bidders won 4 licenses| Gross bids: $6,134,000|